At Graphitene, we believe in the potential that graphene innovation has to make the future better. The place where new nano-carbon applications are being discovered is often the university lab. That’s why we want to supply the very best academic research into nano-carbons with the very best graphene materials. Our graphene materials always have the same consistent high quality because all of the graphite from which we make our graphene comes from the same local mine, making our graphene consistently high quality and the research results valid. We are committed to helping these research projects help make the future sustainable and better for everyone.
raphitene is leading the revolution in nano-materials. We want to continue to supply research and development that will lead to the next world-changing innovations in nano-materials that will help bring about a sustainable future. It is our aim to provide the highest quality nano-carbons to support this research and fuel the next generation of nano-material progress. We believe that the future will be one where nano-materials play a big role and we want to help usher in that exciting future from where it all begins: the research and development level.

upporting industrial applications is just as important to us as supplying research and development projects. The industrial domain is where graphene innovations that were produced by research and development can be applied in the real world, making a global impact. It is on the industrial level that the world is practically changed. And Graphitene is invested in helping this happen. We want to supply the industrial applications of nano-carbons with the absolute best graphene materials on the market, helping these innovations work well.